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Topic: The Hope of Things To Come
Speaker: Dr Rodney Woo, Dr Leow Theng Huat, Rev Dr Jarred Jung, & Mr David Lang
Date: 28 September 2024, Saturday
Time: 9.00am to 1.00pm
Venue: Bible House, 7 Armenian St, Singapore 179932



Topic: Eschatology and the Bible
Speaker: Dr Rodney Woo
This presentation will explore how our interpretations of the Bible and eschatology can evolve over time and across generations. The speaker will argue that while our views may be flexible and subject to change, they can still be applied effectively in any context to serve the Kingdom of God.

Topic: God and Eschatology
Speaker: Dr Leow Theng Huat
Our understanding of eschatology has implications on who God is and what he is like. This presentation examines the two possibilities that Christians have proposed regarding the “end” of our present world–complete annihilation vs. restoration and renewal. It then explores the implications of these proposals for our understanding of God. It suggests that only the “restoration and renewal” position upholds a proper view of God, and is thus the correct one.

Topic: Eschatology and Politics
Speaker: Rev Dr Jarred Jung
How should a Christian understand politics through the lens of Christian eschatology? This presentation will seek to answer this question first by defining Christian eschatology in terms of the Kingdom of God, and then by critiquing five secular political “isms” that promise an alternate utopian vision to that set forth in Christian eschatology.

Topic: Eschatology and Techno-Utopianism
Speaker: Mr David Lang
Recent advances in science and technology have reignited interest in utopian ideals and planning, especially techno-utopianism-the use of technology to bring about utopia on earth. Should individual Christians and the Church actively engage in the use of technology that contributes to this utopian vision? After tracing various versions of utopianism, the presentation will show biblical visions, like realist utopias are not about absolute perfection with absolutely no problems or setbacks. They are contextual proposals to deal with specific issues/aspects of society. The presenter will then argue and demonstrate that several eschatological visions in the Bible are forms of utopian visions. The biblical visions are not just hope given for us to wait passively for God to bring about in the future; they are visions for God’s people to work towards to.

For more information, contact info@ethosinstitute.sg.