Special Articles by Dr Roland Chia
- Digital Immortality?: Mind Uploading and the quest for everlasting life, 1 January 2024
- The New Antinomianism: A Critique of the New Theology of Grace, 3 June 2024
- What is Critical Social Justice? An Anatomy of an Ideology, 1 August 2024
- The Ethics of Mitochondrial Replacement Technology, 4 January 2023
- Watchful and Steadfast: Christian Leadership in Uncertain Times, 26 June 2023
- A Different Gospel: A Critique of the Prosperity Gospel, 3 January 2022
- Neuroscience and Ethics, 4 April 2022
- What is the New Apostolic Reformation?, 4 July 2022
- Christian Witness in the Public Square: Retrospection and Prospection, 3 October 2022
- Religious Life in Modern Plural Societies, 4 October 2021
- Science and Christianity, 5 July 2021
- An Architecture of Peace Pope Francis on Universal Fraternity, 5 April 2021
- Biomedical Ethics: A Christian Perspective, 4 January 2021
- Ars Moriendi: On Dying Faithfully, 5 October 2020
- Sharing God’s Earth: A Christian Vision of the Environment, Justice and Human Flourishing, 6 July 2020
- Via Modem: Religion in the Digital Age, 3 January 2020
- Postmodernism and the Church, 1 October 2019
- Theology and Disability. Workshop oh Disability, 24 February 2017
- Biological Basis for Homosexuality: A Brief Look at the Evidence, ETHOS Conference: Human Sexuality, Marriage & the Church, 6 July 2016
- Unpardonable Sin. The Bible Speaks Today. February 2015.
- Transhumanism. The Bible Speaks Today. January 2015.
- A Sense of Justice. The Bible Speaks Today. August 2014.
- Religion, Public Policy and Human Flourishing. Trumpet. August 2014.
- Easy Believism. The Bible Speaks Today. July 2014.
- What is Gnosticism? How Did the Early Christian Leaders Respond to Its Teachings? The Bible Speaks Today. July 2014.
- Godly Business. Word@Work. June 2014.
- Culture of Death. The Bible Speaks Today. June 2014.
- Tongues. The Bible Speaks Today. June 2014.
- Hating One’s Parents. The Bible Speaks Today. May 2014.
- Condoning Suicide. The Bible Speaks Today. April 2014.
- Having Faith in Faith? The Bible Speaks Today. April 2014.
- The Lord’s Supper. The Bible Speaks Today. April 2014.
- Did Christ Die Only for the Elect? The Bible Speaks Today. March 2014.
- Thinking about Disability. Word@Work. March 2014.
- Do Angels Exist? What Are They Like, and What is Their Role in God’s Plan? The Bible Speaks Today. February 2014.
- Consumerism and the Christian. Word@Work. December 2013.
- Opting for Adoption. Word@Work. September 2013.
- Can Politics be Separated from Religion, According to the Christian Perspective? September 2013.
- The State. The Bible Speaks Today. August 2013.
- Prosperity Preaching. The Bible Speaks Today. July 2013.
- Gay Rights? The Bible Speaks Today. June 2013.
- Physician Assisted Suicide. The Bible Speaks Today. May 2013.
- The Sign of the Cross (Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans and Anglicans). The Bible Speaks Today. April 2013.
- Religion and Politics in Singapore_A Christian Perspective. Church and Society in Asia Today. Vol 16 No 1. April 2013.
- The Role of Government. Trumpet. April 2013.
- How Should Christians Engage in the Public Square? Word@Work. March 2013.
- The Wonders of Creation. The Bible Speaks Today. March 2013.
- Is Conditional Immortality A Credible Alternative to the Traditional Doctrine of Hell? The Bible Speaks Today. February 2013.
- Christian Public Engagement in Singapore: Retrospection and Prospection. Pre-publication version of the article for Engaging Society: The Christian In Tomorrow’s Singapore, ed. Michael Nai-Chiu Poon. Singapore: Trinity Theological College, 2013.
- What do Christians mean when they say that the Bible is the Word of God? Word@Work. December 2012.
- On Marriage. The Bible Speaks Today. November 2012.
- God and the Victim. The Bible Speaks Today. October 2012.
- Engaging the Scriptures. The Bible Speaks Today. September 2012.
- Having Children. The Bible Speaks Today. August 2012.
- Economics and Ethics. The Bible Speaks Today. July 2012.
- Have Scientists Discovered the Gay Gene? Methodist Message. June 2012.
- The Dignity of Daily Work. Word@Work. June 2012.
- Archbishop Rowan Williams:_An Appreciation. Christian Post. March 2012.
- Towards A Theology of Arts. Church and Society in Asia Today. Vol 14 No 2. August 2011.
- Is Democracy the Best System of Government According to the Christian View? Methodist Message. December 2010.
- Whats Wrong with Human Rights Trumpet. December 2010.
- Church and State Support One Another with Their Distinctive Roles. Methodist Message. October 2010.
- Preserving Religious Peace in Multi-Religious Singapore. Methodist Message. June 2010.
- How Christians Can Contribute to Society. Methodist Message. April 2010.
- Every Christian Must Submit Himself to the Governing Authorities. Methodist Message. February 2010.
- Secularism Asserting Its Superiority to the Religious Traditions. Methodist Message. December 2009.
- ‘Yes’ to Patriotism Which Accords Proper Honour to One’s Nation. Methodist Message. October 2009.
- Christians Engaged in the Public Square Must Be Humble and Civil. Methodist Message. August 2009.
- God and Money. Church and Society in Asia Today. Vol 12 No 2. August 2009.
- Science and the Christian Faith. Church and Society in Asia Today. Vol 15 No 2. August 2009.
- Surrogacy Violates the Christian Understanding of Marriage and Family. Methodist Message. May 2009.
- Human Rights Declaration Ideals Resonate with Christian Tenets. Methodist Message. April 2009.
- Christians Must Reflect on Meaning, Purpose of the Arts in Human Life. Methodist Message. March 2009.
- What is the Relationship between the Church and Israel? The Methodist Message. February 2009.
- Torture Blasphemes God Who Created Human Beings in His Own Image. Methodist Message. January 2009.
- Inter-faith Dialogue is Part of Christians’ Social Responsibility. Methodist Message. December 2008.
- Be Involved in Affairs of the Economic Life. Methodist Message. November 2008.
- Should Christians Support the Legalisation of the Human Organ Market? Methodist Message. October 2008.
- Civil Obedience Part of Christian Discipleship. Methodist Message. September 2008.
- Christians Generally Maintain that Human Rights are Universal. Methodist Message. August 2008.
- Is There Scriptural Basis for the Doctrine of Purgatory? Methodist Message. May 2008.
- Discipleship of the Mind Trumpet. April 2008
- Should Christians Pray for the Dead? Methodist Message. March 2008.
- What Should be the Proper Way of Understanding the Relationship between Science and the Christian Faith? Methodist Message. January 2008.
- There are Some Similarities between the Christian and Islamic Concepts of God, But We Can’t Conclude that Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God. Methodist Message. December 2007.
- Atheism Will Never Succeed in Undermining the Christian Faith. Methodist Message. November 2007.
- Are Romans Catholics and Orthodox Christians Disobeying the Second Commandment When They Use Images and Icons in Worship? Methodist Message. October 2007.
- What is Demon Possession? Can A Christian be Demon Possessed? Methodist Message. July 2007.
- ‘Abortion is Wilful Destruction of a Human Being’. Methodist Message. April 2007.
- It is Finished! Trumpet. April 2007
- Christians Do Not Hold that All Religions are the Same. Methodist Message. January 2007.
- Dealing with the Subject of Evolution. Methodist Message. December 2006.
- Can Anyone Justify War from A Christian Perspective? Methodist Message. November 2006.
- Transexuality. Methodist Message. August 2006.
- What is Prophecy? And How Can We Discern If It’s from God? Methodist Message. June 2006.
- Should Christians Condone Euthanasia? Methodist Message. May 2006.
- The Success of a Hoax: The Da Vinci Code, Culture and The Church. Trumpet. April 2006.
- The ‘Signs of the End.’ Methodist Message. March 2006.
- Should Christians Support the Death Penalty? Methodist Message. February 2006.
- Second Commandment Does Not Prohibit Use of Images in Worship. It Simply Warns Against Confounding These Images with God. Methodist Message. October 2005.
- Most Scientists Reject the One-Gene-One-Trait Theory As Naïve. Methodist Message. September 2005.
- Sabbath and the Lord’s Day Stress Lordship of God Over All Creation. What is the Relationship between the Jewish Sabbath and the Lord’s Day (Sunday)? Methodist Message. August 2005.
- Christians can Conclude that Bible ‘Does Not Prohibit Organ Donation, Transplantation’ Methodist Message. June 2005.
- Church Does Not Prohibit Abortion Under All Circumstances. Methodist Message. May 2005.
- A Life Deemed ‘Useless’ Trumpet. May 2005.
- Celebrating Easter With J. S. Bach Trumpet. February 2005.
NCCS Papers by Dr Roland Chia
- Mitochondrial Replacement Technology. National Council of Churches of Singapore. February 2015.
- Status of Children Bill – Response by NCCS. National Council of Churches of Singapore. July 2011.
- Neuroscience and Ethics. National Council of Churches of Singapore. January 2013.
- Social Egg Freezing. Ethical and Social Considerations. National Council of Churches of Singapore. November 2012.
- Ethics of Interspecies Research. National Council of Churches of Singapore. January 2012.
Conference Papers, Special Lectures and Others
- God, Language and Preaching, presented at Studia Homilectica Conference, Singapore, 2004.
- Biological Essentialism and The Person, in Beyond Determinism and Reductionism: Genetic Science and the Person. Edited by Mark Chan and Roland Chia. Australia: ATF
Press, 2003. - Mufti Letter to NCCS on the Lahore Bombing National Council of Churches of Singapore. March 2016.
- Theology and Disability, revised version of a talk organized by the Anglican Diocese of Singapore, February 2017.