One Vocabulary, Different Universes

November 2017 Feature It is increasingly common to hear or read words such as “exclusivism”, “inclusivism”, and “pluralism” in public discourse whether it is used by academics, activists or politicians. It is assumed that everyone is on the same page; thus the terms...

Repentance and Forgiveness

September 2017 Credo Reader’s Question: Does the Bible teach that Christians should forgive the unrepentant? Christians are commanded to forgive because they worship the God who forgives. In Matthew 6:15, we read: ‘… if you do not forgive others their trespasses,...


What is Transhumanism? And how should Christians respond to its philosophy? The twenty-first century has been described by some as the ‘Age of Bio-technology’. Advances in science and technology, especially in cybernetics and nanotechnology, are so rapid and...