by Ethos Institute | Sep 9, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
What should be the Christian perspective on the secular State? Perhaps the best place to begin one’s reflection on what might be called a Christian theology of the state is Romans 13:1-7. Paul begins with a categorical injunction that ‘everyone must submit himself to...
by Ethos Institute | Sep 7, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
In Paul’s epistle to the Church in Rome, we find the most profound statement in the New Testament on the role of the state or government. The Apostle teaches that governing authorities have been instituted by God to establish social order and justice (Romans 13:4-15)....
by Ethos Institute | Jun 14, 2015 | Pulse
June 2015 Pulse The beheadings of American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and the British aid worker David Haines by the Islamic State (IS) in 2014 have not only shocked and outraged the world, but they have also revived the debate about religious...
by Ethos Institute | Jan 29, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
How should Christians respond to the growing influence of secularism? THE WORD “SECULAR” comes from the Latin saecularis which means of an age or of a generation. This term points to concern for this world and for the affairs of our time as opposed to other-worldly...
by Ethos Institute | Dec 26, 2014 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
How should Christians understand the meaning and responsibilities of citizenship? THE WEBSTER DICTIONARY defines a citizen as “an inhabitant of a city or a town, a member of a country, native or naturalised, having rights and owing allegiance”. Broadly speaking,...