The Betrayal of Medicine

May 2017 Pulse One of the reasons that the National Council of Churches of Singapore gave for rejecting physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and euthanasia in its 2008 statement is that these actions are “against the very ethos of medical practice”. The betrayal of...

A Good Death?

May 2015 Feature Article Many reasons are being offered to support making euthanasia (meaning “good death”) and assisted suicide legal. Some arise from sensitivity to the suffering of terminally ill patients, who desire to end their sufferings by speeding up their...

Physician-Assisted Suicide

On 9 March 2013, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon chose euthanasia as the topic of his lecture to the Singapore Medical Association. CJ Menon’s main argument in his wide-ranging lecture is that it is mainly for Parliament to decide on whether euthanasia or...