Divine Genocide?

January 2018 Credo At a recent Ethos Institute conference on ‘Justice and the Common Good’, a participant asked how Christians should interpret the so-called violent passages of the Old Testament that record Yahweh’s command to the Israelites to exterminate the...

Prayer from the Depths of Despair

November 2017 Credo 19 Remember my affliction and my wanderings, The wormwood and the gall! 20 My soul continually remembers it, And is bowed down within me. 21 But this I call to mind, And therefore I have hope: 22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His...

Clarity on Sexuality

November 2017 Credo Without a doubt, human sexuality is one of the most controversial issues that the modern church faces. Insofar as the church is situated within a cultural milieu, it is in some sense influenced and sometimes inadvertently even shaped by society’s...

The Mind That ‘Sees’

June 2017 Credo This article is written in response to a request by one of the visitors of the Ethos Institute website. It has to do with the Christian’s experience of God. What do Christians mean when they say that they have a personal knowledge and experience of...

What Does it Mean to Uphold Sola Scriptura Today

January 2017 Credo Having celebrated Reformation Sunday some weeks back, I find it appropriate to write on one of the chief slogans that encapsulates the essence of what the Reformation was about—Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone). I offer the following theses for our...