by Ethos Institute | Oct 4, 2015 | Pulse
October 2015 Pulse In their essay ‘Developing Civil Society in Singapore’, Gillian Koh and Debbie Soon offer a brief but helpful account of the genesis and metamorphosis of civil society from pre-independent period to the present. The authors also discuss some of the...
by Ethos Institute | Jan 29, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
Should Christians engage in inter-faith dialogue? FOR some Christians, inter-faith dialogue is to be discouraged and even scrupulously avoided because it smacks of compromise and syncretism. In a recent survey entitled, “Negotiating Christianity with Other Religions:...
by Ethos Institute | Jan 29, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
What should be the Christian perspective on the secular State? PERHAPS the best place to begin one’s reflection on what might be called a Christian theology of the state is Romans 13:1-7. Paul begins with a categorical injunction that “everyone must submit himself to...
by Ethos Institute | Jan 29, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
How should Christians engage in the public square? AS SOCIETY BECOMES increasingly secular, religion is slowly edged towards the periphery of public life and reduced to a private experience without any social implications. The Christian faith is intrinsically opposed...
by Ethos Institute | Jan 29, 2015 | More Articles by Dr Roland Chia
Religion and Politics in Singapore_A Christian Perspective