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Human Nuclear Genome Editing: A Paper by the National Council of Churches of Singapore

3 October 2024 Human Nuclear Genome Editing: A Paper by the National Council of Churches of Singapore (more…)


What is Critical Social Justice?: An Anatomy of an Ideology

What is Critical Social Justice? An Anatomy of an Ideology This paper was presented at the TTC Faculty Colloquium on 26 July 2024 In recent decades, a new ideology has emerged which radically distorts received notions of justice which have their roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition. This new understanding of ....Continue Reading »

The New Antinomianism: A Critique of the New Theology of Grace

The version of this paper was presented at a Clergy Meeting of the Anglican Diocese in Singapore in 2014. I would like to thank Bishop Rennis Poniah for inviting me to speak on this topic. The same material was also presented at a Conference organised by the Chinese Annual Conference ....Continue Reading »

Digital Immortality? Mind Uploading and the quest for everlasting life

Digital Immortality? Mind Uploading and the quest for everlasting life ¿Inmortalidad digital? La transferencia mental y la búsqueda de la vida eterna   Abstract The quest for immortality is probably as old as humankind itself. In recent decades a group of scientists and futurists who describe themselves as transhumanists has ....Continue Reading »



Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway - Lyrics of the song “Let It Go” . . . . Continue Reading »


Reimagining the Godhead: William Lane Craig’s Altered Trinity

In his article entitled ‘Is God the Son Begotten in His Divine Nature?’ published in TheoLogica (2018), the American philosopher William Lane Craig argues that the begetting of the Son by the Father ‘enjoys no clear scriptural support and threatens to introduce an objectionable ontological subordinationism into the doctrine of . . . . Continue Reading »

On Thinking About God

One of the most profound and instructive statements attributed to the fifth century theologian, Augustine of Hippo, is his dictum ‘Si comprehendis, non est Deus’ (‘if you understand it, it isn’t God!’). By this dictum, Augustine is not suggesting that God is absolutely unknowable, or that the human mind is . . . . Continue Reading »

Flesh Made Word

    Earlier this month, I published an article which discusses some of the deficiencies of a theological method that gives primacy to the analytical mode, using the tools supplied by analytical philosophy. I pointed out that such an approach risks a perspectival astigmatism, which blurs and distorts the theologian’s . . . . Continue Reading »


Contemplating Perfection

Editor's word: Over the three months of February, March and April 2025, we have invited guest writer Terence Ho to share with us his philosophical and theological musings and contemplations on the bigger questions and topics of life. Terence will share on his thoughts on the ideas of perfection (February), . . . . Continue Reading »

In the Beginning Was the Cultural Mandate

At least one third of our daily schedule consists either of us working or studying. This fact alone should prompt a certain awareness of how we ought to glorify God in an integrated and non-dualistic manner in the very marketplace or school that we have been placed in. By dualistic, . . . . Continue Reading »

God’s preventing grace

As we observe Aldersgate Day this month to commemorate Wesley's transformative experience of the grace of God in his life on 24 May 1738, let us turn our attention to one aspect of his theology of grace, namely, prevenient grace. This facet of the outworking of God's grace is extremely . . . . Continue Reading »


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Check out the latest available videos at ethosinstitute.sg/videos or click here! Check out the videos for the past events in the archives here.

Videos for ETHOS Annual Conference 2021: The Triune God are now up!

To watch the videos for this event, please go to ethosinstitute.sg/videos or click here!

Videos for ETHOS Conversation 2021: Religion and Politics in Singapore are now up!

To watch the videos for this event, please go to ethosinstitute.sg/videos or click here. Please click here to read the speech by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law.

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Yours sincerely in Christ,

Dr Roland Chia
Theological and Research Advisor
ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity

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