A Fine-tuned and Designed Universe

Feature 3 June 2024 Richard Dawkins, the world-famous advocate for atheism from Oxford University, asserts that since nature is governed by blind physical forces and genetic replication, “the universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there...

Memory, Relationship, and Remembrance

Feature 6 May 2024 The Lord called my mom home almost a year ago. She was then 83 years old. I have been her main caregiver in the last five years of her life. This article is one of my ways to remember her. This is also for those who may have experienced a similar...

Saved but Safe? Abuse in the Singapore Church

Feature 1 April 2024 Introduction Some months back, I attended the book launch of Assault on the Body: Sexual Violence and the Gospel Community (https://graceworks.com.sg/store/category/pastoral-resources/assault-on-the-body-sexual-violence-gospel-community/). This...

Reflections on the Reformation

Feature 5 February 2024 Introduction While 31 October is often associated with Halloween, for many Christians across the world a much more momentous event is normally observed. I am, of course, referring to Reformation Day. Reformation Day commemorates the event on 31...