Rev Ezekiel Tan

Rev Ezekiel Tan is the General Secretary/CEO of The Bible Society of Singapore and the Vice-Chairman and General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore.

He is also actively involved with a number of organizations and holds leadership positions in several of them:

Religious organisations:

  • Secretary, Executive Council of Asia Evangelical Alliance
  • Vice-President, Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training
  • Executive Director, ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity
  • Life Member of Inter-Religious Organisation, Singapore (IRO)
  • Member of Moulmein-Cairnhill Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circle (IRCC)


  • President, Hope Initiative Alliance
  • Chief Executive Officer, SowCare Ltd
  • Secretary & Director, Care Corner Singapore Ltd

Social enterprises:

  • Managing Director, International Bible Experiences Pte Ltd
  • Managing Director, Sower Essentials Pte Ltd

Other than his role in various Christian agencies, Rev Tan has been in pastoral ministry serving in several churches for nearly two decades. He has vast experience from his working life, having held senior positions or served on the boards of organisations in the shipping, media, consultancy, training and non-profit industries.

Academically, Rev Tan holds a bachelor in business administration with honours (BSc [Hons]) and a masters in divinity (MDiv). He is a certified practicing management consultant (PMC) with the Singapore Business Advisors and Consultants Council. Additionally, he is also an assistant registrar & licensed solemniser of the Registries of Marriage.